WIll Storage and FREE Will

Will Storage And FREE Will.

When it comes to protecting your assets and ensuring your final wishes are carried out, having a properly drafted and stored will is crucial. Many people overlook the significance of will storage, but it can make all the difference for your loved ones during an already difficult time. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of secure will storage and how you can even get a free will with Xwills.com.

Why Proper Will Storage Matters

Imagine this scenario: John, a loving father and husband, spent countless hours carefully crafting his will to ensure his family would be taken care of after his passing. However, when the time came, his family couldn’t locate the will. This led to confusion, disputes, and ultimately, John’s wishes not being carried out as he had intended. Read more about intestacy here

Proper will storage could have prevented this heartbreaking situation. When you store your will securely, you ensure that it can be easily accessed by your loved ones when needed. This not only saves them from additional stress during an emotional time but also guarantees that your final wishes are respected.

The Benefits of Professional Will Storage Services

While you might be tempted to store your will in a safe place at home, there are several advantages to using professional will storage services:

  1. Security: Professional storage facilities offer state-of-the-art security measures to protect your will from theft, damage, or loss.
  2. Accessibility: Your loved ones will have easy access to your will when needed, without having to search through your personal belongings.
  3. Legal Compliance: Storage services ensure that your will is stored in compliance with legal requirements, reducing the risk of it being contested or deemed invalid.
  4. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your will is safely stored can provide you with peace of mind, allowing you to focus on enjoying your life.
Will Storage And FREE Will

Xwills.com: The Ultimate Solution for Will Storage and Free Will Drafting

Xwills.com offers an unbeatable package for those seeking secure will storage and a free will. For just £4 per month, which is less than the cost of a cup of coffee, you’ll receive:

  • A FREE Will, drafted by a qualified Will Writer

  • FREE lifetime updates and reviews of your Will

  • Storage in a floodproof and fireproof location

  • Executor Retrieval Wallet Cards (Read more about what an executor is in our article here)

  • Simple Online Questionnaire with Explainer Videos and Live Chat Assistance

  • Unlimited Beneficiaries with fallbacks

  • Up to 4 Executors and 4 Trustees

  • Guardians named in Will

  • Unlimited Gifts of Money and Specific Gifts

Plus, for an additional £2 per month, you can add a Mirror Will to your package.

Here’s another scenario to consider: Sarah, a single mother, knew she needed a will to protect her children’s future but was concerned about the cost. When she discovered Xwills.com’s offer of a free will with secure storage for just £4 per month, she realised it was a small sacrifice compared to her daily coffee habit. Now, Sarah has peace of mind knowing that her children will be cared for according to her wishes, and she didn’t have to break the bank to make it happen.

Life insurance through business
  1. Are you regulated?
    Whilst Will Writing in the UK isn’t regulated by a government body, it is self-regulated. Xwills.com is proud to be a member of the Society of Will Writers and adheres to their code of conduct. They also have £2,000,000 of Professional Indemnity Insurance.
  2. Who can do the online Will?
    Xwills.com’s Online Will is perfect for simple Wills. If you have a large or complex estate, have a blended family, or want to set up will trusts or lifetime trusts, it would be best to speak to one of their Will Writers.
  3. I already have a Will, can I just store it with you?
    Absolutely. Just contact Xwills.com to set up your direct debit, and they will give you the address to send the Will.
  4. What happens if I want to amend the Will?
    No problem, Xwills.com offers unlimited free changes for life, either before drafting or after. The only time they will charge extra is for postage or if you want to include a chargeable Trust in your will.
  5. What happens if I get stuck?
    There are explainer videos throughout and also a live chat service from 9-5. If all that fails to help, you can drop Xwills.com an email, and they will call you to assist.
  6. What happens if I want to retrieve my will after storage?
    Xwills.com will charge a one-off £10 to cover their costs.
  7. Can I cancel my storage before the end of a year?
    Yes, but you will be charged the remainder of the full year. Upon payment of that and the cost of posting you the Will, Xwills.com will send it out.
  8. If I cancelled the storage, can I restart it?
    Absolutely, no problem. Simply contact Xwills.com, and they will restart the direct debit and arrange for you to post them the will again.
  9. My Direct Debit bounced, what happens next?
    The Direct Debit provider will attempt to retake it, but don’t worry. In any event, nothing will happen to your Will until Xwills.com has spoken to you or made repeated attempts by phone, SMS, and email.
  10. Why do I need FREE lifetime updates?
    You should review your will every 5 years and after any major change in your life, for example, getting separated or divorced, getting married (this cancels any will you made before), having a child, moving house, or if any of the executors, beneficiaries, or trustees pass away. Without these FREE updates, you would have to pay every time for even the smallest changes.
  11. What is the Direct Debit Guarantee?
    The Direct Debit Guarantee is a customer protection scheme offered by all banks and building societies in the UK that accept Direct Debit instructions. The Direct Debit Guarantee makes Direct Debit the safest payment method in the UK, with errors occurring in only around 0.2% of payments. It provides robust protection and peace of mind to customers making recurring payments via this method.
  12. Is it an extra cost to send the Will bound and posted?
    Yes, Xwills.com charges £15 per Will.
  13. Is an emailed Will equally as valid as a posted one?
    Yes, as long as either version is signed correctly as per the signing instructions (which Xwills.com checks), then both forms are as valid as each other.

The Bottom Line

Secure will storage is a critical aspect of estate planning that should not be overlooked. By storing your will with a professional service like Xwills.com, you ensure that your final wishes are carried out and protect your loved ones from unnecessary stress and confusion. And with Xwills.com offering a free will with their storage services at just £4 per month, which is less than the cost of a daily coffee, there’s no reason not to take advantage of this valuable opportunity.Don’t wait until it’s too late. Protect your legacy and your loved ones by securing your will storage today with Xwills.com.


The information provided in this article on what you should never put in your will is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute formal legal advice. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, laws and regulations may change over time. For your specific situation, it is always best to consult with a qualified professional who specialises in wills and estate planning. They can guide you through the process of properly drafting and executing your will, ensuring it is legally valid and tailored to your unique needs. Services like XWills.com offer expert will writing assistance from licensed professionals. Speaking with them directly will give you the personalised attention and formal legal guidance needed to achieve your estate planning goals and protect your legacy.

Andrew Walters - Xwills.com

Researched and Fact Checked by Andrew Walters

Co-Founder, CEO and Senior Will Writer at Xwills.com

Andrew Walters is the co-founder and CEO of Xwills.com, an estate planning firm that combines technology with personalised customer service to elevate the will writing experience. As a full member of the Society of Will Writers, Andrew is committed to upholding the highest professional standards in the field.

Driven by a passion for providing comprehensive support to clients, Andrew pursued formal qualifications in will writing and estate planning. This journey led to the establishment of Xwills, where he and his team fill a gap in the market by offering a tailored alternative to online-only will writing services.

At Xwills, Andrew ensures that each client receives the time and attention needed to understand their specific requirements. He strongly believes that something as important as writing a will should not be rushed or done without expert guidance.

As a member of the Society of Will Writers, Andrew adheres to their code of practise and continues to expand his knowledge through annual training. 

His expertise, combined with Xwills’ commitment to customer service, positions him as a trusted resource for those seeking to protect their legacy and provide for their loved ones.

With his dedication to professionalism and personalised service, Andrew Walters is setting a new standard in the estate planning industry.