Do you need life insurance for a mortgage

Do You Need Life Insurance for a Mortgage in the UK?

When taking out a mortgage, one important consideration is whether you need life insurance to protect your investment. Many homebuyers wonder if life insurance is a requirement for securing a mortgage in the UK. In this article, we’ll explore the relationship between life insurance and mortgages, helping you make an informed decision.

Understanding Mortgage Life Insurance

Mortgage life insurance, also known as decreasing term life insurance, is a type of policy designed to help pay off your mortgage in the event of your death. The amount of cover decreases over time, typically in line with the outstanding balance of your repayment mortgage.

Providers like Mortgage Protection Insurance | Mortgage Life Cover | Vitality offer mortgage protection insurance plans that can help safeguard your family’s financial future and provide peace of mind. Speak to one of our FCA registered brokers about Vitality Life policies.

How Does Mortgage Life Insurance Work?

If you were to pass away before paying off your mortgage, the life insurance policy would provide a lump sum to cover the remaining balance. This ensures that your loved ones wouldn’t face the burden of making mortgage payments or risk losing their home.

John’s Story

John recently bought a house with a £200,000 mortgage. He took out a mortgage life insurance policy to protect his family. Tragically, John passed away five years later, leaving behind his wife and two children. Thanks to the mortgage life insurance, his family received a lump sum payment to pay off the outstanding mortgage balance, allowing them to stay in their home without financial strain.

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Is Life Insurance Required for a Mortgage in the UK?

While life insurance is often recommended when taking out a mortgage, it is not a legal requirement in the UK. Banks and building societies typically won’t insist on life insurance as a condition for approving your mortgage application.

Why Mortgage Lenders May Encourage Life Insurance

Although not mandatory, mortgage lenders may strongly encourage you to consider life insurance for several reasons:

  • Financial protection for your family: Life insurance can provide peace of mind, ensuring your loved ones can maintain their living arrangements without financial strain.
  • Mitigating risk for the lender: If you were to pass away without life insurance, the lender faces the risk of your family defaulting on the mortgage payments.
Do you need life insurance for a mortgage

Deciding Whether You Need Life Insurance for Your Mortgage

When determining if life insurance is necessary for your mortgage, consider your personal circumstances and the potential impact on your family.

Factors to Consider

  • Dependents: If you have a partner, children, or other dependents who rely on your income, life insurance can provide crucial financial support.
  • Outstanding debts: In addition to your mortgage, consider other debts that your family would be responsible for in your absence.
  • Existing cover: Review any existing life insurance policies you may have through your employer or personal arrangements to determine if additional cover is needed.

Alternative Options

If you decide against mortgage life insurance, there are other ways to financially protect your loved ones:

  • Term life insurance: This type of policy provides cover for a specified term and pays out a lump sum if you pass away within that period.
  • Critical illness cover: This insurance pays out a lump sum if you’re diagnosed with a specified critical illness, helping to cover mortgage payments and other expenses.

Sarah’s Choice

Sarah is a single professional who recently bought a flat with a £150,000 mortgage. She doesn’t have any dependents and has sufficient savings to cover her outstanding debts. After reviewing her existing life insurance policy through her employer, Sarah decides that additional mortgage life insurance isn’t necessary for her situation.

Do you need life insurance for a mortgage

Choosing the Right Mortgage Life Insurance Policy

If you determine that mortgage life insurance is the right choice for you, consider the following factors when selecting a policy:

Level of Cover

Ensure that the policy provides sufficient cover to pay off your mortgage balance and any additional expenses your family may face.

Length of the Policy Term

Align the policy term with the length of your mortgage to ensure continuous cover.


Compare quotes from multiple providers to find a policy with competitive premiums that fit your budget.

When considering life insurance for a mortgage, mortgage protection life insurance is a popular choice. This type of policy is designed to help your loved ones pay off your mortgage if you pass away during the term of the policy. The sum insured decreases over time, typically in line with your mortgage balance, ensuring that the payout will be sufficient to cover the outstanding mortgage debt. Mortgage protection life insurance is usually taken out for the same term as your mortgage, often between 10 and 30 years. It provides peace of mind, knowing that your beneficiaries will receive a lump sum payment to pay off the remaining mortgage balance and own the property outright. To learn more about mortgage protection life insurance and its role in estate planning alongside a will, visit Mortgage Protection Life Insurance and Wills – Xwills.com.

While life insurance is not a legal requirement for mortgages in the UK, it can provide valuable financial protection for your loved ones. By assessing your personal circumstances and exploring your options, you can make an informed decision about whether mortgage life insurance is the right choice for you.

When selecting a policy, carefully consider the level of cover, policy term, and premiums to ensure you have the appropriate protection in place. Don’t hesitate to seek professional advice if you need guidance in navigating the life insurance market.

Taking steps to financially protect your family can provide peace of mind and security, allowing you to enjoy your new home without undue worry. It’s also crucial to have a will in place to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes if you pass away. Having a will simplifies the distribution of your estate and allows you to appoint guardians for your children.

Interestingly, if you take out a life insurance policy through one of www.xwills.com’s FCA registered partners, you can get a 50% discount on the cost of making a will. This is a great opportunity to secure both important financial protections at a reduced cost. When getting a mortgage, it’s wise to consider both life insurance and creating a will to fully protect your loved ones.

Mark and Emily’s Decision

Mark and Emily are a young couple buying their first home with a £250,000 mortgage. They have two young children and want to ensure their family is protected. After researching their options, they decide to take out a mortgage protection life insurance policy through one of Xwills.com’s partners and make a will with Xwills.com, taking advantage of the 50% discount on will writing services. Now, they have peace of mind knowing their mortgage will be paid off, and their assets will be distributed according to their wishes if the worst were to happen.

Life insurance through business

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What’s the difference between mortgage protection life insurance and standard life insurance?

    Mortgage protection life insurance is specifically designed to cover your outstanding mortgage balance, with the sum insured decreasing over time as you pay off your mortgage. Standard life insurance, on the other hand, provides a fixed lump sum payment upon your death, which your beneficiaries can use for any purpose, including paying off the mortgage, covering living expenses, or providing for future costs like education.

    2. Can I get mortgage protection life insurance if I have a pre-existing medical condition?

    It depends on the nature and severity of your pre-existing medical condition. Some insurers may offer mortgage protection life insurance with higher premiums or exclusions for certain conditions. It’s best to disclose any pre-existing conditions when applying for life insurance and compare quotes from multiple providers to find the most suitable coverage for your situation which your FCA registered broker will on your behalf.

    3. What happens if I miss a payment on my mortgage protection life insurance policy?

    If you miss a payment on your mortgage protection life insurance policy, your insurer will typically provide a grace period of around 30 days to make the missed payment. If you fail to pay within this grace period, your policy may lapse, leaving you without coverage. It’s crucial to contact your insurer/broker as soon as possible if you’re having difficulty making payments to discuss your options and avoid losing your protection.

    4. Can I change my mortgage protection life insurance policy if I move to a new home?

    Yes, you can usually update your mortgage protection life insurance policy if you move to a new home. You’ll need to contact your insurer/broker to provide details about your new mortgage, such as the outstanding balance and remaining term. Your insurer will then adjust your policy to ensure it aligns with your new mortgage, and your premiums may change accordingly.

    5. What factors affect the cost of mortgage protection life insurance?

    Several factors can influence the cost of mortgage protection life insurance, including:

    • Your age and health: Generally, younger and healthier individuals pay lower premiums.

    • The size of your mortgage: A larger mortgage will require a higher sum insured, resulting in higher premiums.

    • The term of your policy: Longer policy terms typically result in higher overall costs.

    • Your lifestyle: Factors like smoking, dangerous hobbies, or high-risk occupations can increase your premiums.

    • The insurer you choose: Premiums can vary between insurers, so it’s essential to compare quotes from multiple providers which your broker will do for you.

The Bottom Line

When taking out a mortgage, it’s essential to consider how your family would cope financially if you were no longer around. While life insurance is not a legal requirement for mortgages in the UK, it can provide much-needed financial protection for your loved ones. Mortgage protection life insurance is a popular choice, as it ensures your mortgage will be paid off if you pass away during the policy term. 

Additionally, having a will in place is crucial to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes. By taking advantage of the 50% discount on will writing services through Xwills.com’s partners when purchasing life insurance, you can secure both important financial protections at a reduced cost.

Ultimately, the decision to take out life insurance for your mortgage depends on your personal circumstances and the potential impact on your family. By carefully considering your options and seeking professional advice if needed, you can make an informed choice that provides peace of mind and financial security for your loved ones.


The information provided in this article on what you should never put in your will is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute formal legal advice. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, laws and regulations may change over time. For your specific situation, it is always best to consult with a qualified professional who specialises in wills and estate planning. They can guide you through the process of properly drafting and executing your will, ensuring it is legally valid and tailored to your unique needs. Services like XWills.com offer expert will writing assistance from licensed professionals. Speaking with them directly will give you the personalised attention and formal legal guidance needed to achieve your estate planning goals and protect your legacy.

Andrew Walters - Xwills.com

Researched and Fact Checked by Andrew Walters

Co-Founder, CEO and Senior Will Writer at Xwills.com

Andrew Walters is the co-founder and CEO of Xwills.com, an estate planning firm that combines technology with personalised customer service to elevate the will writing experience. As a full member of the Society of Will Writers, Andrew is committed to upholding the highest professional standards in the field.

Driven by a passion for providing comprehensive support to clients, Andrew pursued formal qualifications in will writing and estate planning. This journey led to the establishment of Xwills, where he and his team fill a gap in the market by offering a tailored alternative to online-only will writing services.

At Xwills, Andrew ensures that each client receives the time and attention needed to understand their specific requirements. He strongly believes that something as important as writing a will should not be rushed or done without expert guidance.

As a member of the Society of Will Writers, Andrew adheres to their code of practise and continues to expand his knowledge through annual training. 

His expertise, combined with Xwills’ commitment to customer service, positions him as a trusted resource for those seeking to protect their legacy and provide for their loved ones.

With his dedication to professionalism and personalised service, Andrew Walters is setting a new standard in the estate planning industry.